Well I can finally talk about another exciting moment for me as an artist ! Way back in January I had received the most amazing e-mail from the editor of one of my fave magazines

Cloth Paper Scissors STUDIOS Catherine Prato! I almost fell off my chair ! I had responded to a question on the fan page which read, "Do you share your studio space with your daughter, or other family member?" I answered that I shared my studio with my very creative daughter Michaela. That was it. Short . Sweet. I never in a million years thought it would amount to this . The e-mail suggested I send in some photos and a write up about my space and because it was in the middle of January and it was soooo snowy and cold.... I freaked out! I called a good friend of mine Alan Woodworth to take the photos and sent in an old photo of my studio in summer. I really wish I had more time or had better photos of my cabin in say.... JULY!! But it was a decision I had to make and so I sent what we could in as quick as I could. It was a good decision.
1 comment:
Thanks so much for sharing my article on your site! It is exciting for me to share my studio with everyone. It is my "happy place"
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