These past days ArtLovers had some sort of rediscovery within themselves...and with other members. As we unfold the first quarter of the year we've seen how our Wall blossoms not just a page to present our artworks, blogs or promote events But also transcend mutual growth and understanding of each other despite the odds of cultural differences and religious affiliations. Truly, we somehow embodied the saying "Art is a universal language."
We've seen surprising or unexpected artistic revelations from our members. Some came out with, let us not say hidden talent but set aside gifts because of other callings...
First surprise is from Kaye Lasola, she's one of the original supporter of Tagged ArtLover Group, she'd been with us since the early formation at until we move to Facebook, but she never hinted anything in those 2 years until she post this drawing...
The rediscovery of this sketch was like a lost treasure that she kept for years until maybe thru the encouragement of our simple community she had the courage to finally share her artistic side aside from simply clicking "like" button each time you post...
...Next is from Manisha Bathia whom I consider as one of the topnotch creative thinker in the realm of blog world. She opines "After years when I picked up the pencil I never knew KRISHNA will be the motivation :)" With little fanfare she share this piece...
Tagged ArtLover Group had been a platform for inspirations between artist, bloggers, musicians, gamers, poets, or simply to those internet addicts like me. Well, your admin had his first too just recently when I made an attempt to make my First Animation.
Recently we've seen new adventure forming in our midst or serendipity by merging together individual create another avenue or artistic directions.
Lisa Brandel found her own adventure in Scratch Board art "I found this micro photography picture of a beetles leg....I thought it was beautiful, and thought about painting an abstract of it. Instead, I decided to learn a new artistic skill..."
With the above image we can see how the artist found inspiration in unlikely situation and thru this sharing we are able to evolve as well. Like another image shared to us by a new Tagged ArtLovers Sunita Kesarwani who humbly admit that she's still a beginner and still need more to learn but this picture tell me otherwise...
We are also given the chance to have a glimpse of our friends past and how one mature as a skilled artisan...Like this post from Maheshawar N. Sinha's early work...
Therefore with our sharing we discover new possibilities or found some answers to those ideas hanging in our head that just needed confirmation..until someone bring them out in the open. Great or small, beginner or master both benefits...
Once, Co-Admin Melissa Tandoc thank me for always celebrating people in this blog. To be honest; it is I that benefit most of the time when I highlight an individual talent on this site...because the more you give the more you receive.
Also another Co-Admin Linda Flagg said "...placing my art album on FB got me alot of rewarding comments, my art work is under the name Broweseabout Art. To work for the titleship of artist is so rewarding. what a encouragement to be the best you are with this wonderful gift,"
Sometimes we overlook the obvious...but this picture from Robert Pearce brings me into understanding how others see myself. It takes a foreigner to notice this side of the Philippine...a reality that we took for granted sometimes...
This is how Sir Robert described the image he shoot Typically Philippines.. basketball, rooster, banana trees..
Following the tradition of Random Pick where the admin hopes to give some fresh ideas or to inspire us to create some more...these are what we have gathered for our 12th Random Pick...ENJOY!!!

Your dreams become your passion and then they become your mission. You know why? - Because you perform those actions with your heart and soul. They are slowly inventing the real YOU.. -- Manisha Bathia (Excerpt from When You Met "YOU")
Carmen Simon Flack
Heena Ahuja
Screams of Unbearable Pain ..
Pain! An inevitable feeling
Wish I wasn't a game you played
Wish I was just a stone
So whenever you wished to throw
I could go afar from you
I would have broken into pieces
But I wouldn't have felt this pain
Tearing me apart from my soul
Destroying my inner peace
Losing my hopeful dreams
Wish I could read your mind
I wouldn't have trusted you
I wouldn't be completely lost in you
In your fake charm and promises
You gave a wound
Which left a deep scar
Now I'm living with this scar
Just to see I have survived
With screams of unbearable pain
Wearing a fake smile
Giving hopes to the world
That I'm happy now
While inside I'm dying !!
© Heena Ahuja 2012
Odette Itah
Maria Konta
Choice Blog Pick
Finally, Allow me also to bask on a little glory just this's not that common to be seen on National TV. So here goes, My first TV are some of the behind the scene images...
* Unless noted all articles or items are taken from Facebook Wall post of ArtLover Members
*** To those new on Tagged ArtLover Group we randomly pick images, post, and blogs that we think are worth immortalizing and therefore re-share them here, just in case our member miss them. We believe that sharing is a powerful tool in uplifting the arts and at the same time unite artist and art lover all around the globe.
Create Unite Respond Enlighten Share
I shared this! I love love love what you are doing, bringing the literal WORLD of art to people with no boundaries on style or subject matter. <3 <3 <3 FANTASTIC!
Thank you so much Fher. You never fail to amazed me with full of surprises. Giving importance to the works of others that most people will not took noticed, not even the creator himself/herself. You have your way to encouraged others to excel more to the talents given. Thanks once again and may the Lord bless you, your family and your works more. ^_^... Keep it up!!!
Hello Fher.
What a wonderful collection of artists you have brought together. Speaking from a personal point of view, I definitely see things differently.
Keep up the good work & may we all continue to encourage & inspire each other.
Great post!Thanks for sharing.
Fher I am touched coz I truly believe whether you love anything or not you should truly respect it...I have a lil surpirse for next two days it will b a combi f my sketching n writing n fcourse u had to b there.
This is something marvellous u did, I will always cherish this in my v touched trust me..coz my writings n art d closest to me...they mean n matter a lot to me...
Love n Blessings!
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