Let us turn nostalgic after our hibernation... we were suppose to celebrate our 3rd year on Facebook last November 2013 and suppose to be the 5th year in Tagged.com. Your admin were a little preoccupied with other things so we were not able to celebrate the occasion with a bang.Our yearly video collection will be a little late but we are working on it now...in the meantime let us take you to memory lane...
A little over Three years ago during the hay day of Friendster, I get an invites to open an account on tagged.com with its feature more vibrant and candy to the eye; which lead me to realized why the site survive up to now than that of friendster (no offense). Tagged was of course being branded by some as a notorious dating site with lots of preying con artist but I saw it differently when I first set up my profile. I saw the potential of promoting my artworks there plus meeting like minded individuals especially those with same interest in my chosen field. The site allows creating a group page so I made mine and call it simply !!!ArtLover!!! using the photo below as logo around September of 2009.
It was a simple forum page to exchange ideas and keeping in touch with each other.

The forum started with sharing, discussions, and moot-point basically about paintings and work promotions ...and as members poured (we have at this time over 900 members accross the globe) I starting meeting friends whom we had regular exchanges of ideas, comments, tags, messages, luv, play pets and mafia, etc...
Within those discussion at the forum Melissa Tandoc came up with the suggestion that why not set up a single page where we can all exchange artworks instead of visiting an individual profile one by one...and could be time consuming. There with deliberation with other artist we created that one-stop profile page and the birth of !!! Tagged ArtLover Gallery!!! that debuted on November 29, 2010...a year after the actual group was established. With Melissa Tandoc and Linda Flagg as co-administrator...
The group thrive on a regular basis as friends of friends start sharing via the profile page...we are proud to say we have made the number one most dynamic art community with actual exchanges of ideas and critics. We have utilized almost all the sites avenue from sharing luvs, actual responses on comment box which was never done before and to journal entry with interviews, a little background on personal preferences on art works, poetry, and even religious and political views using Bulletins (no longer available).
Our most prolific artist then are Babis K and Theo who never fails to share daily doses of artworks. Our big difference then from other art group was that we embraces all fields of arts...like we had Jessica in Dance, Sheila K and Silent Serenity, MaryR on poetry and literature, Seb C on sculpture. Raymond and Brat on photography, of course on paintings are Andrea V. Lisi, Suzie Dancks, Lawrence Tyler, Robert Pearce,
To be heralds and witnesses of hope for humanity through artistic expression.
CREATE artworks and performances that will speak to the human heart, give hope and broaden the horizons of knowledge.
UNITE all artist in different areas of specialties & breaking the barriers of prejudism thru friendship, dialogue and cooperation.
RESPOND to social issues as an active citizen of the world; such as promoting environmental awareness, uphold human rights; among others...
ENLIGHTEN mankind by understanding each individual's uniqueness, regardless of race, color, or beliefs.
SHARE to the world the beauty of God's creation.
We have used the comment box to share artworks and were regularly visited by our friends. There are some sad stories too when most decided to leave Tagged for various private reasons...goodbye was never easy...
Facebook popularity soon made us realized we need to expand...so we open another account called Tagged Artlover before we actually create the group page. And thru the help of Karen Lagra we set up a Fan Page on Facebook that will compliment the Blog site.
Facebook popularity soon transform our group .
Then, the rest is history...the humble group expands and extend to other groups as well.