Etre humain.........Aider les ames en souffrances.......Ne pas juger mais comprendre......
Odette Itah
One night gazing up at dark sky sparkling with stars she smiled when she saw a cascading star. A tear rushed down on her cheek as she closed her eyes. She made a wish ''Please, make all misunderstandings clear. He doesn’t know what the reality is and how madly I love him! I can't wait for him any more...I'll die!''
As she opened her eyes, found him standing before with tears in his eyes. She was surprised and glad to see him and wanted to have those tight pair of arms but his staring eyes stopped her from doing so. After a long deep breathe holding her hand he said, ''I'm so sorry for not believing in you and for those words disgruntled you! I'm sorry my dear .Being away from you I realized your worth in my life and how immensely I love you. You're the sparkle of my life...Enlightened my each day with the lustrous happiness .Being apart from you I came to know that I've lost the sparkle of my life (you). Forgive me and replace the shade of darkness with the sparkle of your love and light.''She smiled and forgave him with mutual promise of love and faith!
What is it about you my love?That you come uninvited…Filling my empty heartOverwhelming my sensesWhen I searched not for you…Read complete poetry HERE